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  • tracybalsz

Inspection Scan

We've added a new preservation service to our offerings. Introducing the QUADRIGA by Cube-Tek. Easily scan your film archive to create a viewable proxy and capture important metadata for determining future digitization and restoration needs. This should be the first step in preserving a moving image archive in understanding what exactly is in the film cans.

Prior to cleaning and repair of the film, this system is designed to view film material in its original state, even damaged and fragile film.

"Providing Digital Twins for complete film collections without the time-consuming prep work is a breakthrough technology. Combined with the automation of labour-intensive film inspection and reporting, INSPECTIONscan users can make fact-based preservation decisions for each film reel with minimal effort." Jörg Houpert, Head of Technology - Cube-Tec International.

Prasad and Cube-Tek have entered into a strategic partnership whereby Prasad will supply this new technology in North America. Initially Prasad is offering this Inspection service from our Burbank facility. As more INSPECTIONscan units roll out of the factory, short term rental situations will be considered.

To book a free test contact - Vice President Business Development North America

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