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  • tracybalsz

National Archives (NARA) on scope to preserve 500 million pages of records for public access

The National Archives and Records Administration is an independent agency of the United States government charged with the preservation and documentation of government and historical records including Presidential Libraries, NASA, and the U.S. Government (federal, congressional, and presidential) records. It has been virtually shut down for the past two years due to the pandemic with very limited access.

The National Archives' mission is to provide public access to federal government records. Public access to government records allows Americans to claim their rights of citizenship, hold their government accountable, and understand their history so they can participate more effectively in their government.

With the just released Five Year Strategic Plan, NARA is proposing by FY 2026, to digitize 500 million pages of records and make them available online to the public through the National Archives Catalog (this includes documents, photos, tape and film).

NARA has committed to digitize all of its traditional (analog) holdings and make them available to the public online. NARA holds the equivalent of more than 13 billion pages of documents, photographs, flms, and other records in analog formats, the majority of which are only accessible in person, in public research rooms, or through reproductions provided in response to specifc customer requests

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